Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, September 10, 2007

James Playing

James's cousin Daniel came to visit this week. It is the first time the two boys have been together. Daniel was born on January 31st so he is 4 months and 9 days older--it is amazing what a difference 4 months makes when they are both under a year. Daniel is like a giant next to James--or, as Uncle Craig puts it, James is like Frodo the Hobbit.

Daniel recognized the camera and smiled away. James just looked confused.

Daniel liked playing with some of James's cool toys--and James was a gentleman and shared willingly, of course!

Smack-down time! Daniel is huge! James is little--but huge compared to what he was at birth!

Playing with the little baby cousin!

What's going on Dad?

Something is amusing to James but I don't know what--funny carpet, I guess.

Daniel patting his little cousin.

Look, I really am huge and I can stand and everything!

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