Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 23, 2007

James at the Park!

Here are some photos of James's life from the past week or so. We haven't been "doing" much--just the regular every day things. We work at home in between teaching and then go for walks when James is awake. On Saturday (yesterday) we went for a walk and stopped at the park to play. He will get more out of that in a few months, we think. The rest are just from around home over the last week.

Riding on the swing with Mommy. The ground is nice and bouncy.

I am a mini rock climber!

I love the slide!

I like to drive the car with Daddy!

Mommy and Daddy like coffee but I am ready to go home.

I am getting better at sitting up--I barely need a prop now and sometimes can sit a little without one (but not for long).

Ooops! Lost it here!

Mommy made me a Pirate Hat from aluminum foil--it also protects against alien mind-reading ray guns!

Do you know the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man? His name is James!

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