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Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Difference 4 Months Makes!

James's cousin, Daniel, came to visit again last night. We dressed them up in a couple of matching outfits they have for photo ops. It is amazing the difference 4 months makes when they are both under a year (Daniel is 7 1/2 months to James's 3 1/4 months). Daniel is able to sit mostly on his own and looks around without tipping over. James has to be propped and still tips, of course. Daniel can log roll around the living room. He smiles at the camera deliberately instead of by chance. And he squeals and laughs out loud. It is very neat to see what he is doing and to see what James will be doing in a few short months. Here are some photos of the boys together and some of James by himself.

You Moose Be Dreaming! We aren't twins!!

James is a little stunned by his big cousin!

Gimme that Baby!

The Boys!

The Family

I Have a New Hat!

I am so Street!

Monkey shoes make the outfit!

I have a motorcycle on my jeans!

Mommy figured out the timer on her camera--family shots!

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