James's eyes seem to have settled into a very deep blue colour, although sometimes they look grey. We will wait and see since they could change more over the next few months (we sort of hope they don't since it is a really pretty colour of blue). His hair, which he has less of now that his head is bigger, still looks brown but with a red tinge to it--Nan thought it looked gingery. Maybe he will have red hair, who knows?
Here are some photos of James in some cute outfits.
Not much new is happening on our front. James is very cute, of course. Jeff and I are getting ready to go back to teaching after Labour Day. We are each teaching one class per term in addition to doing all our own work. This term I teach on Mondays and Wednesdays and Jeff teaches on Tuesdays and Thursdays so we don't have to worry about a child care conflict. Next term, we teach on the same days but at very different times so, again, we will be able to trade off.
We are having visitors the second week of September (cousin Daniel is coming to visit James, yeah!) and then my mom is coming in October--which works well since Jeff will be going out of town for a couple of days to a conference. We will probably be posting less during the term than we have been. I am going to try to take a few representative pictures each week and post them so everyone can follow James's growth. Perhaps some short videos too since he now is more engaged with his surroundings. He has changed so much since birth that we almost don't recognize that skinny baby in the early photos! So we will try to keep new photos coming up so people can recognize him at Christmas!
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