On Sunday we went on a road trip with Nan and Sandra, Jeff's grandmother and aunt. We left in the morning and drove to Wolfville and looked at the town and Acadia University, which was very pretty. There was a very nice coffee-shop set up to look like a library so we stopped for coffee and a break. From Wolfville we drove to the Bay of Fundy (through New Minas and Kentville). We then drove to Harbourville--which was tiny--for a view of the Bay and then to Margaretville for another view of the Bay. In Margaretville we also had lunch at a lovely cafe. From Margaretville we drove across the province to Mahone Bay where we stopped for coffee and a bit of a break from the car (James was getting a bit fussy at this point). Nan and Sandra decided they would like to see more of Mahone Bay so they went back there today. After Mahone Bay, it was back to Halifax for dinner.
It was a big day for James. He travelled well and seemed to enjoy the car ride. We had a bit of an issue at Margaretville (you'll note Jeff's change of attire, oops!) but other than that he seems to have enjoyed his day. We were all tired when we got home though so we had a relaxing evening with pizza for dinner. It was really nice to see more of the province and especially the Bay of Fundy with the huge tides. The Annapolis Valley area, which we drove through to get to the Bay, had really nice scenery too. It was a good day and everyone had fun.

Here is a map of Nova Scotia. I have highlighted in yellow our route through the province. I think we left at about 9:30am and we got back at about 6:30pm so it was a long day but we saw a lot of the province that we wouldn't have otherwise seen.

Here are Jeff and James on the shore at Harbourville. This was a tiny fishing village and there wasn't much there but it was interesting to see the low water. We got there at about noon--low tide was at 11am so the tide was coming back in (high tide would be at 6pm so the water was just starting to come back in) and it was very windy.

Nan is looking for pretty rocks on the beach. It was very rocky--not a sandy beach at all--and in this shot you can see the boats stranded at the top of the beach. In 6 hours the tide would come in and the water would rise 31 feet! We weren't there to see it but you could definitely tell that the water was coming in.

Nan enjoying the Bay of Fundy shore in the wind.

The Intrepid Nan heading out to the Bay--she was off before the rest of us had even got our bearings!

Our little family at the Bay.

Mommy and Jamie at the Bay--you can tell from my hair how windy it was. At Margaretville, we pulled on jackets--it was quite a bit cooler by the water than it was inland.

James enjoying his car-ride--he was a little sleepy at this point and, possibly, already not feeling well (when we got out of the car at Margaretville he had a bit of an upset tummy that ended up on Daddy, oops!).

Jeff and James on the rocks at Margaretville. The little house behind is the cafe where we had lunch--it was very good. Again, Margaretville was more a rock beach than a sand beach. At this point it was about 2pm and the tide was clearly on its way back in with the waves coming in with a fair amount of force.

The lighthouse at Margaretville which is a working lighthouse. You can see the waves coming in onto the rocky shore.

Jeff, Nan, and James on the beach at Margaretville.

Jeff and James on the beach.
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