Wednesday was also his vaccination day--so it was a big day for James (and Mommy and Daddy). We have enrolled Jamie in a vaccination trial at the hospital so he is getting vaccinated for Hep B and 1 of 4 Meningitis vaccines (we won't know which one until the end of the study) in order to study the efficacy of giving these shots early (instead of Grade 4-7 for Hep B and 12 months for Meningitis) and the reaction of infants to a new Meningitis vaccine that protects against 4 strains of Meningitis instead of just 1 strain. This meant that he had to hold still for 5 needles--1 to take blood and 4 vaccine shots, 2 in each thigh (we are glad he has some chub now!!). We think he did pretty well. Jeff held him for all of it and he squirmed (and screamed at the vaccines) but a cuddle from his Daddy and a little snack from Mommy and all was well--so well that he fell asleep within 5 minutes of the last shot. Now, we have to keep track of his reactions to the trial meningitis vaccine. We have to record his temperature and reactions such as redness, swelling, vomiting, and fussiness for 8 days. So far, he has had no reactions--his temperature is normal and, except for the first night right after the shots, he has not had any injection site issues either (redness or swelling). So, we think that he has tolerated his vaccines very well and that it was probably much more traumatic (in the long run) for us than for him!
Below are some photos of Jamie playing the day of his appointment so you can see exactly what he looked like the day he turned "11 pounds".
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