Today was a beautiful, warm, sunny day so we walked down to the harbour. It isn't a bad walk at about 2 km and it was warm but not too hot feeling with the breeze. Then we walked all along the harbour and back up to Spring Garden Road--I should have made Jeff wear my pedometer so we would know how far it was (pretty far--I think probably 4 or so km--and I was pretty tired when we got home). You can tell it is in to summer here because the touristy areas like the harbour and Spring Garden are much more crowded and Bud the Spud (the local truck that sells French Fries) was out with a line up (and yes, we had some and yes, they were pretty good!).

There was a Portuguese tall-ship manned by cadets in the harbour this weekend so we went to look at that--it is pretty impressive. Jeff did a trip on a masted ship when he was in grade 8 off B.C. but he said it was nowhere near as big as this ship. It was pretty big. You can see the smaller whale-watching tour boat in the background and that isn't a small boat so the three-masted Portuguese ship (no idea what its technical category is) is clearly a BIG ship.
This is me with the ship in the background. As you can see, I am getting more and more rounded (it looks like I am arching my back and pushing my belly out but I am not--it is just out there now! As I rediscover every time I forget and bump into something). No baby news yet--we will keep you posted. We are into the final days now but there are no signs (although, as Jeff said, if you've never done this before, maybe you just don't know!).

Other than that, we don't have much to report. All is well, baby is growing, we think (likely incorrectly) that we are ready for baby to arrive and now we just wait!
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