A quiet and alert boy--before the storm of "Feed Me!!" begins!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
James' Life This Week
James has been growing steadily since last week. He has gained 4oz since last Wednesday. This isn't quite enough of a weight gain to satisfy his doctor (it is just the minimum and he isn't back to his birth weight yet) so I am taking some medication to bring more milk in more quickly to give him some chub. As you can see from some of the photos, his legs and arms are very long and skinny and he doesn't have a lot of body fat. We will spend the next few months worrying about him being too skinny and the rest of his childhood worrying that he weighs too much!! Crazy! But, it probably won't be a big worry as he is ALWAYS moving. He squirms and wiggles and kicks all the time--so he has very little rest time to chunk up! But, his face has filled out--his cheeks are bigger and rounder. His face has also changed shape--it has lengthened and looks more like a boy face and less like a squished baby face.
Jamie is a very active little guy as you can see from this action shot--when he is down on the ground, he is generally moving around and kicking and waving his legs and arms.
A sweet shot of a serenely sleeping little boy--he has a slight smile here. He does smile quite often but it is so quick that it is hard to catch on camera.
Relaxing with one hand behind his head. There is a family resemblance here as there is a picture of his cousin Daniel doing the same thing at a similar age.
Long, skinny arms and legs. He curled up so it doesn't show quite how long they are--but they are very long looking (probably because they have no fat on them!).

A quiet and alert boy--before the storm of "Feed Me!!" begins!
A quiet and alert boy--before the storm of "Feed Me!!" begins!
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