Other "milestones" he has reached include: he is very alert in the days now. He keeps his eyes open and is very quiet and alert. He enjoys (we think) reading books with Daddy. He can lift his head--both when on the floor and when on someone's chest. He pushes off and his head lifts--so his neck seems strong but still floppy (he can lift it but then it flops so you have to watch it). He can also, when put on his back, roll to the side and back again. He sort of kicks his legs up and over and his body follows to the side--then he is very content. He doesn't do this as much when he is swaddled at night but if he is just lying on the floor, he will do it fairly consistently. So, we have decided that he is not to be left on the couch or bed--which we weren't planning to do anyway but it seems a definite no-no now that he can roll to the side. And, his umbilical cord has fallen off which makes Mommy very happy because it smelled really gross!
Other than that, it has been just day-to-day life. I am slowly getting more mobile and less sore and we are all adjusting. Jeff has been great and is enjoying his first official father's day--in future years he expects great things like hand-painted plaster casts of hands and feet but he is willing to let it go this year since Jamie is so new. He seems to be a really good baby. He hardly ever cries unless he is being changed (cold water on a warm bottom would do that to anyone) or is hungry or wants to be cuddled. This seems good to us and hopefully will continue as a pattern. He is, otherwise, very placid--he doesn't startle at much of anything and seems very relaxed.
This weekend, his Gramma Lin (Jeff's Mom) came out for a visit to meet Grandson #2 and she seems to think he is a keeper. She has said he is very sweet and she definitely enjoys cuddly time with him when he is alert. She is very impressed with how alert he is --much more so in the last couple of days than when she first arrived--and how he lifts his head and tries to crawl up her chest (he bunches his bum up and them pushes with his legs to move up--like a little snail). She leaves on Tuesday and then Gramma Linda (Alison's Mom) arrives. So, Jamie will get lots of Gramma time--yeah!! It is amazing how much he has changed in just a week--he has filled out and looks much more baby-ish and much less alien-ish!
That's all for now. Below and in the next post are some pictures from the last couple of days.
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