Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
We had a great turkey dinner last night with friends here in town and James had to get dressed for the occasion (see below). I thought I would put some photos up from the last week. I tried to put up a video but it wouldn't load so I will try that later.
It is still nice here in the day but is definitely cooler in the evening so we have started to dress James in his fall clothes. No more shorts! He is also too big for most of them. On Thursday, he had his 4 month shots (2 shots in each thigh!). He really hated having them done but was easily consoled and forgot about it as soon as they were done. He was a little fussy the rest of the day but has been fine ever since. Other than that, not much is new. My mother is coming for a visit at the end of the week and Jeff is going to a conference while she is here for a few days. On Friday, we go for James's official 4 month appointment and find out how long he is and how much he weighs. Since he is into 6 month sizes for some things and his shoes are getting small, we figure he is pretty big! But, we will see. We'll let you know when we know.

I am a big boy in my cool outfit!

Hi Daddy! Do you see how cool I am--my shoes match my sweater (Thank you Auntie Ronalee!).

I'm Huge! I barely fit my Johnny Cash onsie anymore and am a little upset about it! Mommy says this is the last time since it is more of a t-shirt now and it makes me look like I just finished working out at the gym.

But I love it so much!

It really makes me think.

I am huge! This is a 6-9 month sleeper and it is a little long but not by much!

I can mostly sit on my own but sometimes I fall down.

It is better if I have as back support.

Daddy is taking me for a walk so I need to wear my hat.

I am about to go to the hospital to get my shots--as you can see, I am terribly distressed about it. (Isn't he sweet looking when he is asleep!)

This is my "I feel like a baby" outfit. It makes me giggle.

I like my green outfit and my sweater is nice and cozy.

Hello Daddy! What are you doing?

I am a chimp baby. I am sleepy and want to cuddle my Daddy. (This sleeper is a 6-9 month sleeper and it fits exactly--his feet are huge and won't fit in the feet of this sleeper much longer).

I am a big boy. I can hold my bottle by myself sometimes. I am sleepy and cuddly with Mommy here. Time for bed.
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