Speaking of change, when Mom arrived, it was the day after his 4 month appointment and James had weighed in at 15lbs 6oz and was 25 inches. Jeff went away for two days and James seemed noticeably heavier by the time he got back. We had to go for our flu shots today so while we were at the doctor we thought we would weigh him because maybe he had gained half a pound or so. Boy were we off. James is now 17lbs 3oz!! He has gained almost 2 pounds in just over two weeks! We also measured him and he is about 26 1/4 -- 26 1/2 inches long! Yikes--no wonder he felt heavier! No wonder he really seems to have figured out solids and be loving that Pablum! Anyway, that is our big news--James is a PORKER! But he is very cute and smiley too and a lot of fun. And he almost always wakes up happy which is nice.
"I'm off to save the world! Thanks, Grandma, for turning my bib into a cape! Now I am ready!" He looks a little silly, actually, but it made for some cute photos.
"Grandma's last day! Look, Mom, I can hold my own bottle!" James is a good little eater and will now hold the bottle and bring it back to his mouth when he hasn't had enough or lean toward it with his mouth gaping. Here he is holding one of his dolls that Mom made for him. They were actually supposed to be my dolls but they only just got finished so they go to James! Jeff says "He's going to turn them into a gun, you know--he's a boy!" That will be a cute picture too, I guess. Right now, he likes to hold the boy doll and chew on it. He also has become attached to a little stuffed seal that Nan (Jeff's Grandmother) gave him and to a horse that my friend Tess sent and to his Whoozit (a funny little toy from Aunt Jocelyn and Uncle Craig). He has attached to several things which is good if we lose one!
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