For James' 9 month birthday, he got to go on a plane! I was presenting at a conference in Edmonton so James and I flew out to Calgary and left Jeff behind at home (a week's uninterrupted sleep!). We were only in Calgary for a few days and I spent most of my time at school. But, we got to see some family. I forgot my camera the night we went to see Jeff's family so there are not any photos--sorry. But, I got some other good shots of James. We stayed with my sister and my mother drove in to help out. Then Mom, James, and I piled in the car and drove to Edmonton where we stayed with Nan (James' great-grandmother). Here are some of the photos, none from the plane. He was a good little traveller. He was great on the plane and in the car but it was hard on him. He didn't adjust to the time change well and didn't sleep well the whole trip. He also developed a cold (which I then got and have now passed to Jeff). But, all that aside, he travelled really well on the plane and in the car. He does seem glad to be back home with all his stuff though!

James is smiling up at my cousin Kelly. You can tell he is smiling because his fat little cheeks are pointing up!

James smiling with great-uncle Gord. A great uncle to be sure!

James crawling over great-uncle Gord while Grandma watches. James seemed fascinated by Gord as well as by his uncles Craig and Brett. We think it is because he is usually around women and other guys are neat--he's a man's man!

Again, crawling over Gord--he's a good climbing thing!

Playing with Kelly!

In Edmonton with Nan! Since it was his second day of travelling and his second new place in 3 days, he was a little shy and it took him a bit to warm up (sort of right before we were leaving, which is too bad). But, this was a good day so we have some nice photos of James and his Nana.

Laughing with Nan!

Sitting with Nan. Perhaps listening to "Teddy Bears' Picnic" on YouTube--which he LOVES!!

More sitting nicely with Nan!

James and I are now back at Heather's in Calgary getting ready to leave on our midnight flight. I am pretty tired and James is wearing a flannel blanket as a diaper. Long story short, we were running low on diapers and improvised while Heather went to the store. Since he wears cloth at home, James didn't seem to mind.

I'm a big boy on my Mommy! Mommy looks like she could sleep for a week!

I'm back with my Dad! I love my Dad!

I'm standing with my Dad! I have a cold and my nose is running but I am still pretty cute!

I like to be with my Daddy! Aren't I big and tall!

James loves his little horse. It is his cuddle object for sleeping and here he is cuddling it while having a bottle. Very sweet and cute. James is now back to his routine except for the cold we are all fighting. We had a good trip but it was a lot of travel in very little time and very exhausting for both me and James. We are both glad to be back in our own place.
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