Sorry we haven't been blogging much lately. We have been busy at work and my mother was here for a few weeks helping out with James. He has grown by leaps and bounds since the last posting. He started crawling at the end of January and now there is no stopping him. He crawls at a fast pace down the hallway to the office and giggles the whole way when you ask "James? Where do you think you're going?" And he giggles and goes faster until you scoop him up. It is very cute. He also has been walking around the furniture and can make a circuit through most of the living room if we have the furniture spaced correctly.
He has also been teething and has developed this annoying shriek. We are hoping it goes away when the teething is over. It has been better since the first tooth (bottom right centre) popped through and then, a few days later, the second bottom centre tooth came out. He is very sensitive about them and pulls his mouth shut if you try to touch them. And today we noticed that he has been chewing on the wooden arm of the chair and it makes this loud scraping noise (and there are a lot of small, teeth shaped scrapes on the side of the arm so we think he must have been doing it for a while). So, he must get some relief from that but we are trying to discourage it.
Basically, even with the teething, he is still a happy little guy and he laughs a lot. He likes to read his books (and eat them--again, we try to stop that) and be tickled and play with his toys. Here are some photos of his daily activities.

I have two little shiny teeth! I am so proud!

Hi Grandma! I'm a big boy!

I love pulling my books off the shelf.

So many books, I can't stand up!

Sleepy Boy! One of the few shots where James is still! He has fallen asleep and drooled (a lot!).

I got new Big Boy Jammies for Christmas! My Mommy didn't think they would fit yet, but I am a BIG BOY!!
My Grandma Linda came to visit! I love my Grandma Linda--she plays all sorts of games with me.

I am a "Pilot 4 Hire" -- Thank you, Auntie Heather, for my cool new outfit!

I am so cute!

I can stand and I have skull jammies--they make me look tough!

I love to play "wheelbarrow" with Daddy! I am so strong!

I can make it! I can make it!!

Almost there...I know no fear!
And, that is James' life--a busy boy!
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