Here are a bunch of photos from James' first Christmas. We went to Calgary for Christmas and stayed with Jeff's parents. My mother came and stayed with my sister, Heather, and my other sister, Susan, and my aunt Laurel (from Ontario) also came for part of our visit. It was really good to get to see everyone--especially since Susan, Laurel, and Lauren and Brett (Jeff's sister and brother) hadn't yet met James. I have tried to organise them into various days or themes but there were a lot to choose from and this is a sampling only. It was a great visit and we were really glad to be back.
We start back to school on Tuesday so this last week has been getting ready for that. Last night, James showed us a new trick. We had lowered his crib mattress in anticipation since he now stands leaning against things and has been trying to pull himself up. Last night, I put him in his crib in a sitting position while I put laundry away and he leaned over, grabbed the bars, and hauled himself into a standing position! What a little monkey!! Good thing we had already lowered the mattress!!
Anyway, sorry this is so long--there were a lot of photos to choose from!
I have just arrived at Grandma Lin's and Grandpa Bob's. Grandma Lin has pulled out all sorts of cool retro toys. The ball used to be Daddy's!
"Christmas" at Heather's!
These photos are from "Christmas" at my sister's place. Since Susan and Laurel had to leave before Christmas, we did an early, family Christmas on the 16th. Jamie got to meet my cousin, Kelly, and her son, Oliver. Oliver and Jamie seemed to get along very well.
I just met my Auntie Laurel and I think she is fun already!
Opening presents from Gord and Jackie!
Laurel in her fabulous new necklace!
Jamie's getting into the fun of opening presents!
New Shoes!! I love shoes! Anything that goes near my feet!

Chillaxin' with my cool cousin Oliver.

Oliver and Kelly

Oliver, Auntie Linda (Mom), Kelly, Heather, and Auntie Laurel
More Fun At Auntie Heather's Place
Fun with Auntie Susie! She makes me giggle.
More fun with Auntie Susie.

I can stand really well if I have something to lean against or hold onto. I love to stand!!
Various Photos Showing Life in Calgary
I'm eating a Mum-Mum (rice cracker)! I love them--their the best!

My first taste of vegetables--green beans, yumm! More, please!
Fun with the Frickes--Clare, Madelaine, and Paul enjoying Jamie.

Fun playtime with Nan!

Posing with cousin Daniel--he's not so big anymore!

Why don't we both play with the toys? That way, no one gets hurt!
Grandpa Bob with his two boys! Oddly enough, it is difficult to get a 6 month old and a 10 month old to look at the camera at the same time.

Grandpa's happy, Jamie's sleepy, and Daniel's bored!

Brunch with Oliver, Kelly, Mike, Mom, Heather, and us. James loves Oliver and wanted to see what he was doing with his cool Star Wars toys.
Christmas Eve!
These two photos are from the morning of Christmas Eve when Jeff and I opened our presents to each other. It is early--about 6:30am since Jamie is an early riser.

What does Mommy have in her new purse? Don't I look cute in Mommy's new hat!

I want to play presents too!!
Christmas Morning!
Susie had already left and Laurel was leaving Christmas Day so we stopped over at Heather's Christmas morning before going to Craig and Jocelyn's for presents. Here is Laurel and Jamie playing with his bear that plays peek-a-boo. He loves peek-a-boo with anyone willing to play--but he isn't so sure about the bear here.

I love my Auntie Laurel!
Christmas Morning playing in Daniel's Exersaucer and wearing Tanego's (the dog's) antlers.
I know it's yours, Daniel, but can I play in it for a while? Please?!?!
A general crowd shot on Christmas morning. James likes to scoot around on the hardwood--he can go places quickly!

Daniel's Jolly Jumper is fun but I am not entirely sure what to do in it.

Another general crowd shot. Daniel is going for the fridge magnets.
I got the best blocks and this cool submarine that really goes. I love it. Mommy makes it go and I try to catch it with my hands in the tub and I laugh and laugh!
Home Again!

Here I am back home and I love it! I am wearing my big boy shirt from Auntie Sandra--it is so cute.
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