Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
James Can Stand!!
James can now get himself into a standing position easily. He started pulling himself up in his crib a couple of weeks ago but can now crawl to something and just grab it and stand up with no problems. In this video, he crawled over to the footstool and got up onto his knees (that video was way too long so I haven't put that one up). Then he sat on his knees for a while and just put one foot under himself and stood. No real effort involved at all--boom, he's up! What a little monkey. I have posted some photos below of him crawling as well. He is really getting around now and is quite mobile. He is a happy little guy and has been enjoying his "Grandma Linda Day-Care" for the last few days.
James is a Crawling Fiend!
James' Moccasins
Friday, January 18, 2008
James Can Sit Up and Crawl!!
James loves to stand--he developed the ability to stand over Christmas and is very happy if he can stand holding onto something. He also has started to pull himself from sitting to standing if he can get a good grip on something. And if he has your hands, he pulls himself to his knees and then stands. A few nights ago, he was standing by the footstool and took one hand off and put it on my leg and then "cruised" to the chair and up the length of the chair--so he is now cruising around his playpen and the furniture.
James has been working very hard on becoming a crawler. Yesterday and this morning he started taking a few tentative crawls toward things. He can now get himself up on his hands and knees and can go forward a little toward something. We expect him to "take off" any day now. The new skill he developed today is that he can get himself into a sitting position. We have been putting him in a sitting position but this morning he went from being on his belly to a crawl position and then moved his leg under him and got into a sitting position all by himself. And then he did it again. And again. And again after his nap. So, we think this is now a developed ability. In the last week, his motor skills have just really taken off so we are pretty impressed with him (and completely unbiased!).
James Loves the Tub!
Here is a video of James in the tub--he quite likes his toys. He has two favourite toys. One is a blue rubber ducky that my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Gord sent him. The other is a man in a submarine that winds up and moves through the water which Grandma Lin and Grandpa Bob gave him for Christmas. He loves to chase the submarine and try to catch it with his hands and feet. He likes to be sprayed with water from the ducky. He likes to hold the duck under water with his feet and then watch it pop up. And he likes to "drown" both of them by holding them under water for as long as possible. He giggles and laughs all through his baths. His new trick is to try to hold onto the side of the baby tub and pull himself onto his knees. We also blow bubbles and he likes to watch them float through the air but he doesn't seem to quite know what to make of them yet.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
James' First Christmas!
Fun with Auntie Susie! She makes me giggle.
More fun with Auntie Susie.
I can stand really well if I have something to lean against or hold onto. I love to stand!!
Various Photos Showing Life in Calgary
I'm eating a Mum-Mum (rice cracker)! I love them--their the best!
My first taste of vegetables--green beans, yumm! More, please!
Fun with the Frickes--Clare, Madelaine, and Paul enjoying Jamie.
Fun playtime with Nan!
Posing with cousin Daniel--he's not so big anymore!
Why don't we both play with the toys? That way, no one gets hurt!
Grandpa Bob with his two boys! Oddly enough, it is difficult to get a 6 month old and a 10 month old to look at the camera at the same time.
Christmas Eve!
These two photos are from the morning of Christmas Eve when Jeff and I opened our presents to each other. It is early--about 6:30am since Jamie is an early riser.
Susie had already left and Laurel was leaving Christmas Day so we stopped over at Heather's Christmas morning before going to Craig and Jocelyn's for presents. Here is Laurel and Jamie playing with his bear that plays peek-a-boo. He loves peek-a-boo with anyone willing to play--but he isn't so sure about the bear here.
Christmas Morning playing in Daniel's Exersaucer and wearing Tanego's (the dog's) antlers.
I know it's yours, Daniel, but can I play in it for a while? Please?!?!
A general crowd shot on Christmas morning. James likes to scoot around on the hardwood--he can go places quickly!
Daniel's Jolly Jumper is fun but I am not entirely sure what to do in it.
Another general crowd shot. Daniel is going for the fridge magnets.
I got the best blocks and this cool submarine that really goes. I love it. Mommy makes it go and I try to catch it with my hands in the tub and I laugh and laugh!
Home Again!