Here is the last (or first, depending on your perspective) of many blogs tonight. I have put up several blogs in a row to make up for my lack of blogging over the last month. Moving with a 1 year old is not easy. Jamie really wasn't helpful and the move was not hassle free. We are still dealing with some things but we are mostly settled in to our new place and are getting into a routine. Here are some photos from around the house over the last few days.

Here is Jamie's room. We got these cute peel and stick wall decals. They are safari themed and they claim to be removable without taking paint with them. We will see in a couple of years if that is true. He giggled the whole time I was putting them up and now, when we go into his room, he runs over to the ones on the lower part--right of photo--and he pats them and smiles and laughs. He rubs the sun and pats the bird and the giraffe. He seems to think they are pretty neat. I may get some more or some different ones to fill in some other spaces in his room. They are pretty cute.

Here is Jamie sitting in one of our chairs. He can climb up into them and then he slouches down and and is chilling. He is very cool. Unfortunately, on Thursday, as we were leaving the house to go for a walk, he didn't wait for Mommy to help him down the concrete steps and he fell face first onto the concrete patio. He scuffed his nose and upper lip pretty badly. These photos were taken on Friday and his nose looked just awful. It already looks better today and it should heal completely. Poor little scuffed boy! This is what happens when you think you should be able to go down the stairs like a big boy!

A close up of the nose.

He likes to put the animals from his barn into the silo and watch them drop and then pick them out the bottom. It was pretty cute. He also likes to put the barn on my lap and press his face to the opening and look at me through it--this is hilarious, apparently. A BIG thank you Uncle Craig and Aunt Jocelyn for this birthday gift!! It is a new favourite.

I am a big boy in my chair!

We were having a friend for dinner and I just received a beautiful bunch of flowers for my birthday from my aunt and uncle. They were too pretty not to put up.
So, there are several more blogs below this that detail the last few weeks. I never stopped taking pictures, I just didn't have time to put them up. I will try to do better.