Here is James "talking." He knows 2 animal sounds: a sheep says Baa and a Puppy says "ffffff." It is pretty cute. He isn't always consistent in his answers but he is getting better. And sometimes he will go and get the puppy dog and say "fffff."
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Birthday Present Fun-Time!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Grandpa and Jamie at the Park
Going down the BIG slide with Grandpa. I've never done this slide before. This is exciting!
Yeah, going down the slide like a big boy!
I am such a big boy and so proud of myself.
This car is fun.
Driving my car.
Driving with Grandpa. We like to go FAST!
Climbing the rope wall. I am so ready to be climbing on my own--not!
We haven't done much since Grandma and Grandpa left. James has been very into reading books the last little while. While they were here, if we asked "What does a puppy say?", he would say "fffff" and then once when I asked him what a bird said, he also said "ffffff." But, he stopped doing that. Now he only says "ffffff" for doggy or puppy, and has added an "R" sound in front sometimes so it is "rffff". He says "Baa, Baa, Baa" for sheep, he makes a "mmmo" sound for cow, and if it is another animal (like a bear or a rabbit), he just looks at us like we are idiots because he clearly doesn't know those ones. We are working on 'GRRRRR" for Bear. I don't know what sound a rabbit makes. Other than that, we are just packing slowly and getting ready to come out for 2 weeks. There may not be many postings for a while. Talk to you soon!
Monday, June 9, 2008
James' First Birthday!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Peggy's Cove with Grandpa and Grandma!
James has been showing off all his tricks. He says "Baa Baa" fairly consistently at the picture of the sheep in the book. If you ask him what a puppy or doggy says or if he looks at a picture of a dog, he says "Woof" (although it sounds like wffffffff and is very quiet). He takes books to Grandma and Grandpa to have them read to him and, yesterday, Jeff said "take the book to Grandpa" and he took the book to Bob. We were pretty impressed by that. He is enjoying walking outside more and more and is quite tired when we get home. He is having a great time with his grandparents and I think will be very happy to see them when we go to Calgary in 2 weeks.
Running with Grandpa!
Grandma and Grandpa in Halifax
After Point Pleasant Park, we drove around the other side of the Halifax Harbour and went to the York Redoubt which was the "other" harbour defense. Everyone knows about Citadel Hill but the York Redoubt is just on the other side of the NorthWest Arm and it is open to the public so we enjoyed walking around there too. The day ended with tasty fish and chips at Phil's.