Monday, April 14, 2008
James in the Pool

James on the Swing!
Here is a very short video of James in the swing at the park. If you turn the sound up, you will hear him giggling away. He seems to think this is a lot of fun so we will have to take him again.
James is 10 Months Old!
James is now 10 months old. He looks like a real big-boy! We put him in his first Spring Outfit. This is a very cute brown and yellow plaid shorts overall set from Lauren and Ian. It will fit through the summer and he looks very cute in it so we are glad that it fits. It is hard to tell now what will fit when!
James has started standing on his own much more. He still has to pull himself up to a standing position on the furniture but he needs to less and less. Once he is standing, he has started taking his hands off the furniture and just standing there. This works until he wants to go somewhere and then when he tries to move, he usually falls over. But, standing alone is the big milestone that he has passed now. Once he figures it out a bit more, we figure he will take off walking. He is also trying to stand without help. He gets one foot under him and pushes up with his hands on the floor but can't quite get the second foot under him to get up. Once he figures that out, there will be no stopping him. He also now has his 2 front top teeth! They have completely broken through the gums and are visible (but only up close--no photos, maybe next week).
James' first swim class. We'll try to get a better picture next week.
Fun At The Park!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
James Playing Peekaboo
This morning, James was standing by the couch looking up a Jeff and he kept pulling the sofa pillow over his head and then popping his head around at his Dad and grinning. Peek-a-boo! It was the cutest thing! He has played peek-a-boo before but this is, I think, the first time he has done it this way. I managed to get a bit of it on video before my camera died. It is pretty sweet. And, as you can see, James is still a morning boy!
Drumming on my Drum
Here is James drumming on his new learning drum. It does the alphabet in English and French so when you hit it, a new letter appears. He doesn't get that part yet but he certainly loves to whack the drum and see the lights. He also likes to turn it upside down and see the bottom (I think because that is where the sounds come from and he is trying to find the music). He just loves it (so thank you to Auntie Lauren for the Christmas gift card--we finally figured out what to get with it!).