Here is a little video of Jamie sledding this morning. He loves it. Next time, I will have to shut up so you can hear him giggling all the way down the hill. Big smiles until the end when his mitten came partly off and filled with snow. Oops. He still had fun and insisted on going again, and again, and again until we decided it was just too cold to continue (that and Mommy fell over in the snow and had to come in before she froze!).
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
James on Christmas Eve
Here are some various photos of James from the last couple of weeks. The ones of him sledding are from this morning. He loved to sled and was very happy--even when Mommy pulled too hard and he got dumped in the snow face first. What a trooper!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Merry Christmas from Jamie and Santa!
As you can see, we took James to see Santa. He had a lot of fun playing in Santa's Village while we waited for our turn. Then it was time to line up and that wasn't as much fun. He looks a little stunned here. Jeff and I plopped him on Santa's lap and then stood by the camera to make faces at him and he looked at us like we were crazy ("Why have you left me over here with this strange person?"). The photographer tried to take a second shot to see if we could get a smile, but his face started to screw up into a good wail (Oh My God! I am over here alone with a stranger and Mommy and Daddy are standing waaaay over there!! Waaahhhh!). So we decided stunned was the best we were going to get and grabbed him off Santa's lap before he could cry.
He still looks pretty cute!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
James is a Big Boy!
I took James for his 18 month appointment yesterday. It was a bit of a gong show. In the eternal bureaucratic ridiculousness that exists, they decided that because James got his 1 year vaccines 12 days before his 1 year birthday that this cannot possibly confer immunity and that he: a) could not get his 18 month vaccines; and b) had to have his 12 month repeated. It seemed a waste but there was no arguing with them. We now have to go back mid-December for his 18 month vaccines. It doesn't hurt him to be doubly immunized but it does seem a slight waste of resources! Oh well. Since he was just a brave boy, we went to the bookstore and got him a cool book on Tractors with flaps to find things--he loves it.
He was also weighed and measured and is continuing his trend of being perfectly proportional. He is 50th -- 75th percentile for both height and weight. He is 32.5 inches tall and weighs 26 1/2 pounds--so he is pretty solid. All is well now and here are some photos of James looking at his new tractor book this morning.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Christmas Came Early for Jamie!!
Santa came to our house early this year. Jamie loves to sit in his car seat when we have it in the living room so we thought we would get him a child-size poang chair at Ikea. We went today and he tried it out but when he gets out of it, it tips and falls on his head--so that was a big no! But, he gravitated toward this cute little rocking chair so we picked it up instead. He really seems to like it. Merry Christmas Jamie!!
P.S. There are some videos of Jamie on Facebook. I couldn't get them to load here so I put them up there.
Life With James
Here are some various photos of James from the last little while.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Playing and Swimming
Today, Jamie, Grandma, and I went to the Farmers' Market and then returned his hat and mitten set (hat was too small) and bought a new set that fit and the mittens are on idiot strings so he won't lose them when he pulls them off. They are pretty cute and, as with most boy clothing, are a combination of blue and orange. After a nap, we went to the park and then after supper we went swimming. James has not been swimming in a long time but he remembered quickly and had a lot of fun.
Tomorrow we are going to see Auntie Susie and Uncle James and their doggies. Perhaps more pictures then.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jamie the Elephant!
Here is a little video of Jamie in his Hallowe'en costume at his Grandma's house. It is pretty cute. There are also three more postings of pictures below. Enjoy!
Happy Hallowe'en!
Happy Hallowe'en, Everyone! Jamie and I spent Hallowe'en in Saskatoon with my Mom but that didn't mean we couldn't go trick-or-treating. Jamie dressed up (and was pleased with his costume most of the time) and we went to visit a couple of friends.
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